Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Great Tip from a Man after God's Own Heart

"But I trust in your unfailing love my heart rejoices in your salvation." Psalm 13:5

In the Bible, David was entitled a "man after God's own heart." He enjoyed a deep personal relationship with God. However David still had seasons in his life that he felt distant from God.

The Psalms are filled with his prayers of thanksgiving, but also his cries for God to reveal himself, tO lift the shadows of depression and to deliver him from his enemies. Like you and me, David experienced the whole range of emotions that life brings. He rode the roller coaster of emotions. Up one day and down the next. Can you relate? I can.

Perhaps the great lesson we can learn from David is that in the good times, and the dark ones, he never lost his trust in God. David didn't always understand. He didn't always feel joy, hope, or peace. He didn't always enjoy the ride, but he did always trust that God was there and he would make it all right in the end.