"The heavens declare the glory of God;
More than 3000 years ago, a man named David looked at the stars and as his emotions were caught up in the beauty and majesty of what he saw he proclaimed that the heavens themselves declare the glory of God.
Day after day we are surrounded by creation's song. Listen carefully and you will hear the glory of God being declared by the chirping of the birds, by the whistling of the wind, by the splash of the fish. The beautiful melody of our creator can be heard in every warm ray of sunshine, every blossoming flower, every leaf that changes color in the Fall and every snowflake that cascades to the ground.
Creation declares that our God is Glorious!
Creation also declares that our God is Beautiful.
Have you ever looked at a picture of earth that was taken from outer space?
Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Why does God specifically mention the earth in the very first verse of the Bible?
Psalm 115: 16 declares, “The
heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men."

The earth is 93 million miles
from the sun, if it traveled faster on its 584-million mile orbit, the orbit
would become larger and life would not be able to sustain. If the earth moved closer to the sun, life
would not be able to be sustained.
70% of the earth is covered in
water. The vast amounts of water on the
earth help sustain life. Water can
absorb enormous amounts of heat without alteration. Its absorption level is about 10 times as
great as steel. During the day, the
earth’s bodies of water rapidly soak up enormous amounts of heat, helping to
cool the earths temperature. At night,
the waters release the heat and when mixed with the atmosphere, helps keep most of the
earth’s surface from freezing solid at night.
If it weren’t for the large masses of water on the planet, the earth’s
temperature would rise and fall to levels that life could not exists.
The earth is orbited by one moon
that is 1/4th its size.
The moon helps establish our atmosphere, gravity and the axis the earth
rotates on, all the while, protecting us from a barrage of meteorites.
Understand this, Creation is
proclaiming that our incredible God is a God of Beauty and of Order.
Think about the planets that rotate
the sun near us. Mercury is the closest
planet to the sun. Temperatures rise to
more than 800’ on the side facing the sun, and the side facing away will drop t
-298’ below zero.
Venus is hotter than Mercury, yet
farther away from the sun. Its
atmosphere is 90 times thicker than earth’s and heat is trapped in the
clouds. Venus can be as hot as 931’F.
Mars is most similar to earth, but
its warmest day is a mere 67’F but with two small moons it has very little
gravity and cannot sustain a large enough atmosphere.
One of the great scientific minds in history was
mathematician and physicists, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). He is known for deriving the Law of Gravity
and inventing a branch of mathematics called Calculus. I still haven't figured that one out yet :).
Newton had a large model of our Solar System
built for him. A story is told that one day another scientist
came by to visit Newton and saw the model.
The friend did not believe in Biblical creation and said, “Oh MY! What
an exquisite thing this is! Who made it
for you?” Newton answered,
“Nobody.” The other man said, “Oh?
Evidently you did not understand my question.
I asked, who made this?” Newton
replied again, “Nobody.” “You must think
I’m a fool!” the visitor replied. “Of course somebody made it, and he is a
genius and I would like to know who he is.”
Newton firmly said, “This thing is
but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not
able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet
you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken
has come into being without either designer or maker! Now tell me by what sort
of reasoning do you reach such an incongruous conclusion?”
Friend, creation itself is a masterpiece declaring the majesty of the composer - God. Creation sings that God is glorious, that He is beautiful, that He is orderly and that He is faithful.