Wednesday, November 6, 2013

You can have a Living Hope

A song writer once wrote that each of us have a God-shaped hole in our heart and nothing can fill that void accept a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Bill Fay would agree with that.  He was born to an upper middle class family.  His father was the president of General Foods and introduced a frozen food line called “Bird’s eye.”  There’s a good chance you have purchased some of their product at your local grocery store.

Bill admits he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.  He never did without whatever he wanted.  Sadly, his father’s spending habits caused him to die penny-less in a veteran’s hospital.  Bill decided that he would not die that way.  He would live life to the fullest, thinking of no one else but himself.

At age 16, he got a girl pregnant and married her.  He went off to college after High School.  In college he met a man who taught him to be a professional gambler.  Bill put himself through college by playing card games.  After graduation he divorced his wife and walked away from his daughter so he could advance his career.  Bill met and married another woman and at age 22 he was hired by an Atlanta corporation and quickly became their number 1 salesman. 

Shortly afterwards, he was invited to Las Vegas where he was enamored by the power, money and women.  He said; “If I can just get connected into all this, my life will be fine.”  On that trip that he met a man at a card table who lost $200,000 in just 20 minutes and acted as if it was nothing.  Bill was impressed.  The man invited him to play a game and in just fifteen minutes, Bill won over $250,000.

Despite the money and power he was gaining, he was still miserable.  One day, Bill was talking to a woman on the telephone.  He asked her, “What do you want out of life?”  She replied; “Money and power.”  This captivated Bill and he left his second wife of 12 years and married this other woman.  The new couple moved to Denver and he became the CEO of a multimillion-dollar Corporation.  One afternoon he stood in his office, looked over his mahogany desk, had his chauffeur-driven limousine outside, had an unlimited expense account, diamond rings, Rolexes, gold jewelry and he thought; “What’s next?  I have both legal and illegal money.  I have power, both corporately and illegally, yet something is missing.”

It wasn’t long until his third wife left and Bill met and married his fourth wife. He decided he would help men with their loneliness and opened Fantasy Island in Lakewood, Colorado, one of the largest houses of prostitution in the Unites States.  Sounds like a movie doesn’t it?  But it isn’t, it is the life of Bill Fay.

There are many people living like Bill Fay.  They may not have the power or money, but they are searching for love, searching for hope, and searching for what is missing in their heart.  They are asking; “Is this all there is?  I Want More!”

In 1 Peter chapter 1, the Apostle Peter is writing to Christians who were the opposite of men like Bill Fay.  These early Christ-followers had been driven from their home in Jerusalem through persecution.  They had no power, no money, and no homeland.  Yet they have what Bill Fay and many people today are longing for, they had a Hope that was Alive in their Soul.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”   1 Peter 1:3

Look at how Peter expresses himself in reference to the living hope we receive in Christ Jesus.  He writes, “Praise be to God….he has given us new birth...a living hope…”  Understand this, when the Peter states that those who surrender to Christ receive a living hope, he is not referring to hope the way many of us do. 

We consider hope as something we want to happen but are not sure if it will.  That is not what the word hope means in this verse.  Hope here means, “a certain expectation.”  Here is the good news about this living hope, when we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we receive the promise that we have peace with God and are as assured of heaven as if we were already there! 

If you have surrendered your life to Christ, you have this living hope in your NOW.
You also have this living hope for your TOMORROWS.  Look at what Peter writes next.

and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you…” 1 Peter 1:4

One day Albert Einstein boarded a train from Princeton. The conductor came by asking to punch the tickets.  Einstein was brilliant man, but a little absent minded.  Einstein could not find his ticket; he looked in his pockets, through his luggage, and could not find his ticket.  The conductor said; “It’s alright Mr. Einstein, I know who you are.”  Then the conductor turned and walked away.  He looked back and saw Einstein looking under his seat.  The conductor came back and said; “Mr. Einstein, I don’t need your ticket, I know who you are.”  Einstein said; “I know who I am too, but I need to know where I’m going.”

Do you know where you’re going when your time on this Earth is done?  Peter says we can have a Living Hope in Christ and know beyond any doubt that we have Eternal Life in Heaven.  Look at how Peter describes it. Our inheritance in Christ will never perish, never spoil and never fade away!

Now let me finish the story of Bill Fay.  Bill loved racquetball.  One day while coming into the gym he met a guy named Paul. Bill began to ridicule him because he was a Christian.  Shortly after that, Bill and his fourth wife took a trip to Las Vegas.  While there, his attorney called and told him the prostitution house had been raided and there was a warrant for his arrest.  Soon the media caught the news and Bill was devastated.  The only person who ever called and checked on him was Paul.  One day Bill was sitting at his kitchen table crying uncontrollably.  His non-believing wife suggested they go see the man who had married them.  Bill did not want to go see him, but the Holy Spirit would not stop working on Bill’s heart.  He called the pastor and said that he wanted inner peace in his life.   The next day, he drove 85 miles to a little country church.  At 10:00 a.m. on March 4, 1981, Bill Fay met Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and He received the Living Hope that he had always longed for.

What about you?

Will you…

  • Believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, His death, burial and resurrection?
  • Trust Him to take away your sins and forgive you?
  • Invite Him to be Your Lord and receive a Living Hope?